Cloud Cost Savers

Save money on AWS storage!

Try our free S3 pricing calculator to find out how much you could save on cloud storage.

Your AWS savings are just a click away!

What is the size of your bucket in GB?

50 GB / 0.05 TB

What is the current storage class of your bucket?

What region is your bucket in?

Optionally, click here to tell us more about your storage

What percentage of storage can you archive?

By default we calculate cost saving estimates with the assumption you can move 100% of the current storage to another storage tier.

If this isn't the case, what percentage could you move?

100 %

What level of access do you need?

Archive services like AWS Glacier trade off cost for speed of access. If you can wait for access you can save money.

Wait times can be between 1 minute and 12 hours.